Why Should We Buy Annual Multi trip Insurance?

Multi Trip Insurance

If you’re getting insurance for your car, your pets, your health, and your home, then why not annual multi trip travel insurance?

With multi-trip insurance, you can save both time and money and travel worry-free. 

So, if you love to travel or your job requires frequent traveling, then this is the blog that you should read, till the end to understand everything about multi-trip travel insurance. 

Even the best-planned trip can be ruined by a flight delay or cancellation, baggage loss, or an accident.

And insurance is made to help you in uncertain times. 

Let’s understand how multi-trip travel insurance is beneficial for you. 

About Annual Multi-trip Insurance

An multi-trip insurance is travel insurance that covers more than one trip in a year. It is considered an ideal travel insurance plan for frequent travelers who fly to different destinations either for work or leisure purposes. 

So, basically, instead of paying for travel insurance every time you go on a business trip, a single premium will cover all your trips during the policy year. 

However, there are some conditions attached to a multi-trip insurance policy. Such as, for an annual multi-trip travel insurance policy, the maximum duration for one trip can either be 30, 45, 60, or 90 days. 

(When purchasing, make sure to read the terms listed on the policy document, related to the maximum duration for one trip.)

How Multi-trip Travel Insurance Works? 

Many people, like business heads, corporate executives, and freelancers, travel to different countries frequently for seminars and business meetings. 

Thus, it becomes increasingly important for these people to plan their travel budgets, like flight tickets, hotel bookings, and emergency expenses, ahead of time. 

Moreover, it’s always better to be ready for the future in order to have some certainty and security. This is where multi-trip insurance can be of great help. 

To explain it more precisely, 

Consider having multi-trip travel insurance. Over the course of the year, you take several trips, including a weekend getaway to a nearby city with your family, and two business trips abroad.

Your multi-trip insurance policy will provide coverage for all these trips, along with emergency medical expenses and flight cancellations for each trip. 

Benefits of a Multi-trip Travel Insurance Policy

Some of the benefits or we say, features of a multi-trip insurance policy are:

Several Trips in a Year

An multi-trip travel insurance gives coverage for an unlimited number of trips in a single year, with each single trip of 30-60 days duration. Therefore, it’s an economical way to cover multiple trips. 

Free Look Period

Only a multi-trip insurance plan offers a free look period. So, if you have any objections to the terms of your travel policy, you can cancel your play within the initial 15 days and get a full refund. 

Saves Money

A multi-trip insurance policy is a cost-saving option because, even if you travel three to five times a year, you would not have to pay for travel insurance three to five times. 

All round Coverage

If any medical emergency occurs, while you are on a trip, your insurance will take care of everything, from hospital expenses to evacuation. This way, you can travel worry-free.

Who Should Choose Multi-trip Insurance?

A multi-trip annual travel insurance India is a budget-friendly insurance plan for all frequent travelers. 

However, if you are still unsure about whether to purchase single-trip or multi-trip travel insurance, take a look at the categories listed below.

If you fit into any of the categories listed below, you should consider purchasing an annual travel insurance policy.

  1. If you have more than 2 trips planned in the upcoming year.
  2. If you are an impulsive traveler. 
  3. You have to travel frequently for your work or business. 

To conclude, 

If you fit into any of these categories, then annual multi-trip insurance is the right travel plan for you. 

Moreover, if you are uncertain about where to buy the insurance, then the best way here is to compare multi-trip travel insurance plans in terms of costs, features, and benefits. 

Visit PolicyWings website, to compare and get the best multi-trip insurance policy, or simply contact our team.


An annual multi-trip insurance is defined as a travel insurance plan that covers multiple trips within a policy year.

Ideally, if you take more than two trips in a year then you should opt for an annual multi-trip travel insurance. Otherwise, it’s better to choose single-trip insurance.

A few of the benefits of annual multi-trip insurance are- 

  • Unlimited trips a year
  • Cost-effective
  • All round coverage
  • Free look period

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